Commercial Radio Projects
A number of more recent commercial radios have been restored and are operational, some as my current or backup amateur station receivers, others just
displayed and demonstrated. The display setup also has two mechanical teletype machines Siemens T100 and T68d which print the signals received by the different
receiver/demodulator combinations. More tips on restoration will be added when I get around to take some more pictures.
Please feel free to ask any questions covering refurbishment of these fine radios or F1/F6 demodulators.
List of Systems/Sets Covered (excl Collins)
- All Telefunken incl AEG and DASA radios (Germany):
→ Please proceed to separate Telefunken page.
- All Siemens radios (Germany):
→ Please proceed to separate Siemens page.
- Brown Boveri BBC mobile radios (Switzerland):
→ Please proceed to separate BBC mobile radio page.
- Rohde&Schwarz (Germany)
VLF-HF Receiver EK-890:
→ Table of Filter Configurations supported by the latest Firmware V4.02
Rohde & Schwarz VHF Receiver ESM-2 with EZK Controller and EZP Display (Germany)
- SRT (Sweden)
HF CR91 Receiver and TD90 Exciter:
→ CR91 Receiver: User Programming: S-Meter Calibration and Filter/Mode
→ TD90 Exciter: Adding LSB to a Unit with USB only, Pictures and Diagram
This receiver is operated with its built-in teletype demodulator.
- National (USA)
HRO-7T Receiver:
→ Description of some HRO history and the restoration of the HRO-7T radio.
This is an article published in the Swiss HISTEC Journal (in German).
- RFT VEB Funkwerk Köpenick (GDR)
100W HF transceiver system SEG 100
MF-HF receiver EKD-315 with optional EZ-100 preselector & F1/F6 diversity demodulator
This receiver/demodulator is operated regurarly with a Siemens T100 teletype copying the German weather service in 50Bd.
- Chinese
Type 221-1 HF Receiver:
→ Picture of my radio here.
→ Notes and details covering the Chinese made tubes and how to replace them.
- Watkins Johnson (USA)
Receivers WJ-8888-5 and WJ-521A3
My Watkins-Johnson 521-A3 VHF Surveillance Receiver