Broadcast Receivers
The author has a fair collection of historically or technically interesting broadcast receivers displayed at home. This includes some of the infamous "Volksempfänger", early Atwater-Kent or pre-WWII Philips, American Bakelite or the big SABA Automatic. Separate is a mostly complete collection of Zenith Transoceanics including the very first, the last or one of the military versions.
During the last years a few of these receivers were restored and articles written and published in the Swiss HISTEC Journal (publication of the museum ENTER). While the text is in German, one might still want to look at the pictures or diagrams and perhaps even read the text using Google Translate... This is what is presented here.
By clicking on the associated image, the text is available in PDF format.
⇒ Paillard 29: Ein "Volksempfänger" in Schweizer Uhrmacherqualität
This text describes the refurbisment of this "watch-makers quality" Paillard 29 from 1938/39 and its the design concept and functionality.
⇒ H.M.V. Little Nipper A13A - Ein kompaktes Radio von 1949 aus "Down Under"
This text describes the history, the concept and refurbishment of this small Australian radio.
⇒ Biennophone E6400: Ein UKW-Empfänger vom Feinsten
In the early 60ies an FM receiver was designed in Switzerland, that showed incomparable FM performance for a domestic radio. A piece of history of Swiss high-tech.
⇒ Atwater-Kent Chassis L: "Hi-End" Radio-Einbauchassis von 1930
For its "Golden-Voice" line Atwater-Kent produced the chassis L with exceptional properties - for a top price!