Eastern Military Radio Systems
"Green radios" are treated here but dual use radios may be found looking at other listings in this section.
List of Eastern Systems/Sets and Topics covered
- R5 aka EKB portable HF receiver, designed and made in East Germany by VEB Funkwerk Dabendorf.
This receiver was used in the Czech army and a special attachable AC power supply was designed locally for it. A more comprehensive and new version of my original text has been written recently and was published in VMARS SIGNAL magazine. The documents are here:
→ Made in GDR: R5, the portable EKB HF receiver in its Czech variant (SIGNAL article).
→ Description and Revision, Pictures and Diagrams, V1.3 (Original document).
→ Large size circuit diagram
My Czech R-5 receiver, made as EKB in the GDR → click on picture to read more
- This list awaits completion - and has been for a long time, sorry..