Audio Projects for Amateur Radio Stations
Around the shack or mobile in a vehicle audio amplifiers are needed for various functions. The example projects described below address this requirement mainly from a collector's point of view. For other ideas there is a lot of information on the web using modern IC amplifiers, no need to add to that here.
- Autophon BV83 Intercom Amplifier for Receivers with Line- or Headset outputs only
→ Amplifier and Power Supply, Text, Pictures, Diagrams
For my historic receiver display a speaker amplifier with high and low input impedance was needed and - no surprise - only an antique unit would do. Here is a detailed description of how this project using a military unit was implemented.
- A project to add a simple Speaker Amplifier to your sound card or phone outputs
→ A Simple Audio PA, Text, Diagram and Picture
This little project makes use of unique features of germanium output transistors to make a very simple speaker amplifier. Uses computer, shack or vehicle +12VDC. No PCB needed, built over the weekend and works fine! Several units were built.
- Collins Radio 76F-1 Amplified Speaker
→ Rebuild of a Speaker Unit, Pictures, Comments and Diagram
This is the classic military radio speaker but with a twist: it has a built-in amplifier. However the original parts are difficult to get and this project shows a solution that provides the needed amplifier without those exotic components. It is used with a 671U-4 exciter/receiver.
The insides of the reconstructed Collins 76F-1 amplified speaker.