Swiss Military Radio Systems
Swiss "Green radios" are treated here, but dual use radios may be found looking at other listings on this site.
- E-44 Receiver, designed and made by Autophon:
Read my articles on this radio, its history and restoration with pictures and diagrams. Please note that the German text contains more details and pictures.
→ "Autophon MF-HF Empfänger E44" complete as published in HISTEC Journal 2021 (Deutsch/German).
→ "Swiss LF-HF receiver E44" as published in SIGNAL #59 May 2021 (in English).
My E44 receiver made by Autophon Solothurn → click on picture to read my text published in SIGNAL.
- SE-415 1kW 2-52MHz Transceiver, designed and made by Zellweger:
→ SE-415 Page with some Modification Descriptions, Diagrams and Pictures of my Station
also refer to Restorer's Note → Preparing Transmitter Power Tubes for Use after Storage - AGD-415 Antenna Tuner, designed and made by Zellweger:
→ AGD-415 Page with 1974 System Brochure, KG Mod for modern Tansceivers, all Diagrams - SE-430 200W HF Transceiver, designed and made by Ascom
later: Repairs, also refer to Restorer's Note → Solid Tantalum Caps as Power Rail Filters - AG-510/430 Antenna Tuner, designed and made by Ascom:
→ Partial Manual, Block Diagrams, Operation and
→ Universal controller for AG-510/430 built by hb9kta - E-41 Receiver, designed and made by Zellweger:
→ Restoration Picture Gallery with Comments
My E-41 receiver made by Zellweger Uster → click on picture to see inside!